Techno Logica

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Connect to QC Site Admin Api - SAClient.SaApi

src :

Using VBScript:

Dim objSAClient, resp
Set objSAClient = CreateObject("SAClient.SaApi.9")
'you have to know which is the correct reference to the SiteAdmin

'then login as admin:
objSAClient.login "http://ipaddress/sabin", qcuser, qcpassword

Using PHP:

$objSAClient = new COM("SAClient.SaApi.9") ;
'you have to know which is the correct reference to the SiteAdmin

'then login as admin:
$objSAClient->login "http://ipaddress/sabin", qcuser, qcpassword

If you want to know what is the reference for the SAAPI you have to go to the regedit, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SaClient.SAapi\CurrVer" and see what is the current version and use it.

For QC 9.2 : 
 The URL in the format http://[:]/sabin.

For QC 10.0 : 

 The URL in the format http://[:]/qcbin.

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