Techno Logica

Friday, March 28, 2008

Quality Center Open Test Architecture API -OTA COM 9.0

Component Object Model (COM) is a software architecture that allows the components made by different software vendors to be combined into a variety of applications. COM defines a standard for component interoperability, is not dependent on any particular programming language, is available on multiple platforms, and is extensible.
It is used to enable inter-process communication and dynamic object creation in any programming language that supports the technology.
COM Automation allows users to build scripts in their applications to perform repetitive tasks or control one application from another.

The family of COM technologies includes

– COM+
– Distributed COM (DCOM) and
– ActiveX® Controls.

Quality Center Open Test Architecture API -OTA COM 9.0

The Quality Center Open Test Architecture API is a COM library that enables you to integrate external applications with Quality Center. It is naturally and easily used with Microsoft Visual Basic, and the syntax and examples in this reference use Visual Basic. The examples in this project were developed with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and are not necessarily valid under other development platforms.

The OTAClient.dll (OTA COM 9.0 Type Library) is downloaded to the following folder:
\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center

Quality Center Object Model

Component Object Model (COM) – Overview

Function to Connect to QC using the OTA API Methods

Private Function makeConnection(ByVal qcHostName$, qcDomain$, qcProject$, qcUser$, qcPassword$, Optional qcPort) As Boolean
' This routine makes the connection to the gobal TDConnection object,
' declared at the project level as Global tdc as TDConnection,
' and connects the user to the specified project.

Dim qcServer As String
Const fName = "makeConnection" 'For error message

On Error GoTo makeConnectionErr
errmsg = ""

'Construct server argument of format "http://server:port/qcbin"
qcServer = "http://" & qcHostName

If Not (IsMissing(qcPort)) Then
If Len(qcPort) > 0 Then qcServer = qcServer & ":" & qcPort
End If
qcServer = qcServer & "/qcbin"

''Check status (For illustrative purposes.)
' 'MsgBox tdc.LoggedIn 'Error: OTA Server is not connected
' MsgBox tdc.Connected 'False
' MsgBox tdc.ServerName 'Blank string
'Create the connection
errmsg = "Failed to create TDConnection"
If (tdc Is Nothing) Then Set tdc = New TDConnection
If (tdc Is Nothing) Then GoTo makeConnectionErr
errmsg = ""
tdc.InitConnectionEx qcServer
''Check status.
' MsgBox tdc.LoggedIn 'False
' MsgBox tdc.Connected 'True
' MsgBox tdc.ServerName 'http:///qcbin/wcomsrv.dll

'Log on to server
tdc.Login qcUser, qcPassword
''Check status.
' MsgBox tdc.LoggedIn 'True
' MsgBox tdc.ProjectName 'Empty String
' MsgBox tdc.ProjectConnected 'False
' Connect to the project and user
tdc.Connect qcDomain, qcProject
' MsgBox tdc.ProjectName 'qcProject
' MsgBox tdc.ProjectConnected 'True
' Exit status
makeConnection = SUCCESS
Exit Function

ErrHandler err, fName, err.Description & vbCrLf & errmsg
makeConnection = FAILURE

End Function

Using the Quality Center Open Test Architecture API methods and classes one can automate and customize the actions of Quality Center like Execute TestSets, Execute Tests, Get Execution Status, Get or Set Requirements, Get or Set Test Design Steps or Attachments and many more actions in Quality Center.

API References:

· Mercury Quality Center Open Test Architecture API Reference

· Mercury Quality Center Site Administration API Reference

Note: Right-Click on the File and Click "Unblock"

If you want to know what is the reference for the TDAPIOLE you have to go to the regedit, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TDApiOle.TDConnection\CurrVer" and see what is the current version and use it.

HP QuickTest Professional - Functional & Regression Testing Tool

HP QuickTest Professional - Functional & Regression Testing Tool

HP QuickTest Professional software is advanced,automated testing software for building functional and regression test suites. It captures, verifies and replays user interactions automatically and helps testers quickly identify and report on application effects, while providing advanced functionality for tester collaboration.

Simplify test creation and maintenance
HP QuickTest Professional software provides functional and regression test automation for major software applications and environments, including next-generation development technologies, such as Windows® Presentation Foundation, web services, Macromedia Flex, .NET, J2EE and ERP, and CRM applications.
HP QuickTest Professional offers a fresh approach to automated testing: it deploys the concept of keyword-driven testing to radically simplify test creation and maintenance. Using keyword capabilities, your testers can build test cases by capturing flows directly from the application screens and applying robust capturing
technology (record/replay). In addition, your power users get full access to the underlying test and object properties through an integrated scripting and debugging environment that is synchronized with the Keyword View capability for your complete testing cycle.

With HP QuickTest Professional, your Quality Assurance (QA) organization can:
• Empower the entire team to create sophisticated test suites with less training
• Establish correct functionality across all environments, data sets and business processes
• Fully document and replicate defects for developers, helping them fix defects faster and meet production deadlines
• Easily regression test ever-changing applications and environments
•Deliver quality products and services and improve revenues and profitability
• Enable tester workgroups to share automated testing assets across teams

HP Mercury Quick Test Professional 9.5

The New version of QTP has some new features in it. They are :

Improvements to the Installation Process - QTP 9.5 incorporates several improvements to the installation process. The most dramatic change is offering an all-in-one install for all the supported environments delivered on a single DVD. Coupled with an all-in-one license option, this simplifies the installation process considerably. However, the financial implications of such an all-in-one license are still left to be seen (though previous add-in specific licenses will still work).

New Design-Time Panes - QTP 9.5 continues the theme QTP 9.0 established in putting a massive emphasis on smoothing the user experience and reducing the click-per-action ratio. Operations which were once buried under endless sub-menus, or had no automated interface at all, are now placed front-and-center via the new IDE panes. While the new panes do not deliver any new functionality per-se (aside from the Process Guidance pane), they have the potential to dramatically change the way you generate and maintain your code.

The Object Repository - The first difference noticed when the Local object repository or the Repository manager are opened is the new "Checkpoint and Output Objects" branch in the treeview on the left.

Mercury Screen Recorder - Captures your entire run session in a movie clip or capture only the segments with errors, and then view your movie from the Test Results window.

Dynamic Management of Object Repositories- Programmatically manage an action's shared object repository collection during the test run.

HP WinRunner - Functional Testing software

HP WinRunner software is standard, functional testing software for enterprise IT applications. It captures, verifies and replays user interactions automatically, so you can identify defects and determine that your business processes work as designed.

HP WinRunner’s intuitive recording process helps you produce robust functional tests. To create a test, HP WinRunner simply records a typical business process by emulating user actions, such as ordering an item or opening a vendor account. During recording, you can directly edit generated scripts to meet the most complex test requirements. Next, testers can add checkpoints, which compare expected and actual outcomes from the test run. HP WinRunner offers a variety of checkpoints, including test, GUI, bitmap and web links. HP WinRunner can also verify database values to determine transaction accuracy and database integrity, highlighting records that have been updated, modified, deleted and inserted. With a few mouse clicks, the DataDriver Wizard feature lets you convert a recorded business process into a datadriven test that reflects the real-life actions of multiple users. For further test enhancement, the Function Generator feature presents a quick and reliable way to program tests, while the Virtual Object Wizard feature lets you teach HP WinRunner to recognize, record and replay any unknown or custom object. As HP WinRunner executes tests, it operates the application automatically, as though a real user were performing each step in the business process. If test execution occurs after hours or in the absence of a quality assurance (QA) engineer, the Recovery Manager and Exception Handling mechanisms automatically troubleshoot unexpected events, errors and application crashes so that tests can complete smoothly. Once tests are run, HP WinRunner’s interactive report - ing tools help your team interpret results by providing detailed, easy-to-read reports that list errors and their originations. HP WinRunner lets your organization build reusable tests to repeat throughout an application’s lifecycle. Thus, if developers modify an application over time, testers do not need to modify multiple tests. Instead, they can apply changes to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Map, a central repository of test-related information, and HP WinRunner automati - cally propagates changes to all relevant scripts.

NOTE: On February 15, 2008, HP Software announced the end–of–support for HP WinRunner versions 7.5, 7.6, 8.0, 8.2, 9.2—all versions, all editions.